Interactive Dialogue 1
“China’s AI Dominance and its Threat to Global Civil Liberties”
The Official Website of International Uyghur Forum
“China’s AI Dominance and its Threat to Global Civil Liberties”
A VR Experience – “A 3D View of the Camps in East Turkistan by the Uyghur Transitional Justice Database (UTJD)” Note: VR glasses will be provided
“Transnational Repression Toolkit: China’s Long Arm of Cracking Down on Dissident Voices”
Lunch will be served at the National Diet of Japan building venue at the time indicated in the programme agenda. We request all participants to stay at the venue during the lunch break unless there is an emergency in which we will leave the venue together. During lunch time, several side-event will take place for …
“A Lesson from Japan – Advocating and Building Alliances for Uyghur Human Rights in the Far East”