Dolkun Isa
President of the World Uyghur Congress & Chair of the Preparation Team
Afumetto Retepu
Vice Chair of the Preparation Team and POC for Japanese&Uyghur Guests
Kerimu Uda
Responsible for fundraising and POC for Japanese&Uyghur guests
Sawut Muhammad
Responsible for Logistics and POC for Japanese&Uyghur Guests
Erkin Zunun
Responsible for Logistics and POC for Uyghur&other Guests
Zumretay Arkin
Responsible for Program and Schedules and POC for Speakers
Bahtiyar Omer
Responsible for LiveStream, Interviews and Media
Marilena Stegbauer
Responsible for Speakers and POC for Speakers
Eva Stocker
Responsible for Designs and POC for Press
Sheila Riek
Responsible for Social Media and POC for Speakers
Gheyur Kurban
Responsible for Translation and POC for Translators
Iptihar Abduréshit
Responsible for Interviews and video recording
Memet Tasch
Responsible for Technik and Livestream
Iveta Vancáková
Responsible for the logistics and POC for Speakers
Sofiya Issabayeva
Responsible for Printing materials and POC for Uyghur Guests